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A healthy immune system is the backbone of great health.


he immune system is made up of a network of cells, organs and tissues that work alongside each other to protect the body from foreign organisms and substances. Without a healthy immune system, we become more prone to illness and disease.


We encourage you to take on a couple of these immune-boosting techniques every week and in doing so, create lasting, life-long health..


Increase your intake of natural Vitamin C

Vitamin C has been shown in many clinical studies to boost the immune system as well as support the adrenal system. Vitamin C from natural sources is always a better way to go than its synthetic counterpart.


Add more zinc to your diet

Some potent plant-based sources include spinach, kidney and lima beans, flax, sesame and pumpkin seeds, garlic, and cacao powder. Zinc is an essential mineral for the immune function, healing wounds, a healthy thyroid and even blood clotting.

Aim for a diet that is 70-80% whole foods


Eat more unprocessed natural foods

Aim for a diet that is 70-80% whole foods, to provide your body with the essential vitamins and nutrients that will build a robust immune system from the ground-up. Fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as nuts and seeds, should make up the foundation of your diet.


Focus on Vitamins D2 and D3

Life in our modern world often leaves us deficient in Vitamin D, which leads to increased infections and suppression of your immune system. Vitamin D-3 is best optimised through supplementation, but D2 is readily available through conscious dietary choices. Here are the 10 best vegan vitamin D sources!


Take adaptogenic herbs

Adaptogens help the body adapt to stress by supporting the adrenal system. One example is Ashwagandha, which has been shown to contain powerful antioxidants, among other properties, which boost the immune system, decrease anxiety and improve sleep. Curious to learn more about these powerful plants? Here are 10 adaptogens to help with stress!


Move your body daily

Walking, yoga and swimming are all great for our health, but did you know that just 20 minutes of High-Intensity Interval Training is one of the most effective ways to stimulate your immune system into working effectively?


Take Echinacea

Echinacea is a herb that is widely popular today in fighting off colds and flu. The reality is this flowering plant has been used for centuries in boosting a person's immune system.


Make love more often!

Having a regular and intimate love life strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of colds and flu by 30%.


Take Oregano Oil

Cleanse your gut with Oregano Oil, which helps kill off harmful bacteria within your intestinal tract.


Include Selenium in your diet

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant mineral that even has cancer-fighting properties. It also binds with many toxic minerals in the body, helping to detox the body. Selenium can be taken as a supplement or by eating garlic, sardines and brazil nuts.


Quit smoking

It's simple; cigarette smoke is made up of 4000 chemicals, with over 60 of these already proven to be cancer-causing toxins. Not only will this compromise your immune system, but every system and tissue in your body will be at risk. Here are 8 natural ways to quit smoking in 2019.


Add raw ginger to your diet

Ginger is known for its powerful detoxifying properties, particularly in regards to our respiratory system and lymphatic system, which is our "sewage system." Keeping these systems clear of infections and illness will result in a stronger immune system.


Maintain a healthy weight

Obesity is shown to weaken our immune response, but if we follow a healthy lifestyle program with both diet and exercise, our weight will remain in a healthy state and allow our immune system to strengthen naturally.

If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation


Ban binge drinking

If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation so that your body’s resources are focused on strengthening your body rather than eliminating toxins.


Supplement your greens

Choose a greens powder which has a broad spectrum of vitamins, nutrients and minerals that have powerful immune boosting properties such as magnesium, zinc, iron and Selenium.

Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night


Sleep more

Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night, so that your body can naturally repair and rejuvenate at a cellular level. Inadequate sleep affects your immune system.


Wash your hands well

Always use soap and water to stop the spread of bacteria and its potential for infecting your body.


Eat fresh organic produce

Choose organic because it's free from harmful pesticides and chemicals. By ensuring it is fresh, you'll maximise nutritional intake as well as protecting yourself from harmful bacteria.


Protect with pomegranate

The juice of pomegranate and their seeds are high in antioxidants as well as having collagen boosting properties that protect your skin.


Adaptogenic Astragalus

Astragalus, a herb used in Chinese Medicine for centuries, is known for its immune boosting qualities. It's also used as an effective energy boosting supplement.


Make massage a must

Book in a massage once a week because it not only promotes new blood flow to the body's extremities but also reduces stress, which is a critical factor in improving your immune system.


Take Olive Leaf Extract

This natural supplement has a high concentration of antioxidants to fight off foreign invaders inside the body.


Take Larch Arabinogalactan

Never heard of it? Larch Arabinogalactan is sourced from the wood of the Larch tree and is said to boost the immune system by increasing intestinal levels of beneficial bacteria. It is therefore said to protect against the common cold, the flu, and other bacterial and viral infections.


Leave poor health… behind

For those that are brave, a weekly coffee enema is a sure way to excellent health. Used by the famous Gerson Institute for healing of chronic health conditions, a coffee enema stimulates the liver to produce Glutathione S Transferase a chemical which is known as a master detoxifier in our bodies. A clean, detoxed body results in a robust immune system.


Eat mushrooms

Mushrooms are known for their immune-boosting powers, especially the shiitake and oyster varieties that don't lose their antioxidant power during the cooking process.


Buy a salt lamp for your bedroom

Salt has been used medicinally for thousands of years, particularly for respiratory issues. Salt lamps create healthy negative ions that clean and purify your air, as well as filling the room with a warm, calming light.


Cruciferous cooking

Cook with the cabbage family which support your liver and help with detoxifying so that immune cells can live and proliferate. Cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and bok choy are some other tasty cruciferous veggies to include in your diet.


Go with ginger

Have ginger tea or ginger water everyday, which will balance your immune system to its normal function. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, vital for suppressing illness.


Develop a positive mindset

Look for ways to be grateful every day. We know that we are what we eat; however, just as equally, we are how we think. The body reacts to your mindset, whether it be fear, anxiety or stress, by going into a flight or fight response. Once the sympathetic nervous system is triggered, your immune system will be compromised.


Avoid antibiotics

Taking too many antibiotics will kill the good bacteria in your gut and allow for an overgrowth of harmful bacteria to take hold. 70-80% of your immune system is in your digestive tract, and good bacteria are the chief weapons in fighting off foreign invaders that wreak havoc on your immune system.


Take a multi-strain probiotic

Probiotics are strains of good bacteria that help support your immune system within your digestive tract. The digestive tract is made up of hundreds of different strains of good bacteria, so it's essential to take a probiotic that has many different types of good bacteria. Here’s a guide to choosing the best probiotic for you.


Eat real foods and superfoods

Choose real food rather than artificial sweeteners and food colourings that strip the body of essential minerals and nutrients. By also eating superfoods, you’ll quickly flood your body with high-potency vitamins and minerals.


Don’t skip meals

This will cause your body to be deficient in key nutrients. If you're concerned about overeating, you can always replace a meal with a superfood smoothie that will be low in calories but high in the vital nutrients, minerals and vitamins that strengthen your immune system.


Remove yourself from ongoing stress

We know this is easier said than done, however implementing quick, effective relaxation techniques throughout the day can help you keep your immune system in top shape.


Minimise hand-to-hand contact

One of the common ways colds and flu are spread is through people's hands. Also take care to reduce your direct contact with public property, such as bathroom door handles, pens at the bank and even handrails. We don't suggest you turn into a glove-wearing freak but consider being a little more selective in what you touch.


Find exercise opportunities throughout the day

This could be walking to work, or going to the gym during your lunch break. Just 30 minutes of movement reactivates your body’s white blood cells, creating a stronger immune system.

Research shows that laughing stimulates and activates our immune cells, so laughter really is the best medicine


Laugh more

Watch more comedies or use this as an excuse to watch more of those viral YouTube videos we love to watch at work! Research shows that laughing stimulates and activates our immune cells, so laughter really is the best medicine and never a waste of time!


Eat more nuts and seeds

Almonds, hazelnuts and sunflower seeds are high in Vitamin E, a powerful immune-supporting antioxidant.Research shows that laughing stimulates and activates our immune cells.


Focus on Vitamin B6

B Vitamins are known for providing energy, but B6 is special because it also helps in the maintenance of our immune system. Foods high in B6 include tuna, pistachio nuts, sesame and sunflower seeds, prunes, bananas, spinach and avocados.


Crave the Carotenoids

Carotenoids are found in all things orange, such as carrots, sweet potato, pumpkin and squash. The body transforms these plant pigments into Vitamin A, which strengthens your immune system.


Find more Folate

Folate or its synthetic form Folic Acid increases the immune response. Dark leafy greens, citrus fruits and avocados are foods that are high in Folate.


Become a social butterfly

Research shows that those with an active social life are healthier. This is because social interaction boosts our moods and creates the chemical environment for a healthy immune system. So get out, meet new people and enjoy your health, because loneliness can hurt your immune system.


Get a little dirty

Exposing yourself to germs and bacteria stimulates your immune system and is a vital key to boosting your immune health! So don't worry about getting a little bit of dirt on your hands..


Eat Manuka honey

Which has antibacterial properties to enhance your immune health and fight infections. Here are 10 proven benefits of Manuka honey.


Take grape seed extract

This is a liquid supplement extracted from the fruit and seeds of grapefruit, which has a very high concentration of free-radical eliminating antioxidants. Grape seed extract also includes hesperidin, a natural immune-system booster.


Have a green tea in the morning

Green tea has powerful antioxidant properties, so it’s a healthier choice than coffee in the morning. We would suggest sourcing the finest quality green tea, as the variation between brands can be significant in terms of quality and health-boosting properties. Look for organic tea or tea grown in clean, pollution-free environments that have been grown without the use of pesticides or chemicals. Have you tried our Matcha green tea?


Try Chaga

Know as the King of the Medicinal Mushrooms, Chaga has exceptionally potent antioxidant properties, as well as immune supporting properties from its complex polysaccharides. Chaga is native to Siberia, and although expensive, it's one of the most powerful immune-boosting and anti-ageing superfoods on the planet.


Win at wellness with Wormwood

This is another little known herb that has powerful effects on your microbiome and overall immune health. Wormwood provides a toxic environment to intestinal invaders, such as parasites and harmful bacteria, while boosting digestion and being another great source of antioxidants.


Drink more water

Better yet, alkalise the water with lemon or a sprinkle of bicarbonate soda. Your body naturally alkalises to an immune-supporting PH of 7.35. Bad diet choices and stress, however, result in an acidic body, which leads to sickness and disease. Alkalised water will naturally detox your body and free up resources for your immune system. Alkaline water will also regulate your body's natural cycles of digestion, absorption and elimination.


Get your Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Studies have shown that Omega 3 fatty acids protect the body from autoimmune disorders, as well as general inflammatory responses during sickness. Here are the plant-based foods with the highest Omega 3 fatty acid content.


Try oil pulling

Oil pulling draws out bacteria from within your mouth and gums, freeing up the resources within your immune system for other battles. Use coconut oil to do oil pulling 1-2 times a day, and also try mixing it with oregano oil, which is also an excellent antibacterial and antifungal oil.


Get out in the sun

Expose your skin to those deliciously warm rays to get a healthy daily intake of Vitamin D. Vitamin D has a vast range of health benefits, including its foundational role in our immune system.


Eat more garlic

Not only is it super tasty, but garlic also contains the powerful compound Allicin, which is both antibacterial and antifungal. Allicin targets bad bacteria within your gut and is particularly effective against harmful gut flora such as Candida albicans.


Add Acai

Add a spoonful of Acai Berry powder to your daily smoothie for a delicious way to take in the essentials for immune health. Acai berry is a fantastic superfood that has one of the highest levels of antioxidants of any fruit, but it's also a good source of omega 3's and essential vitamins and minerals. Tropeaka Acai is organically grown and free from pesticides and herbicides, so why not try it in this berry superfood smoothie?


Breathe cleaner air at home

You can’t always avoid air pollution outside, but you can get an air purifier for your home. Clean air is often overlooked when it comes to improving our health, and since we spend a third of our lives asleep, purified air should be a priority in the bedroom.


Look to the Amazon

The Amazonian Camu Camu fruit has over 20x more vitamin C than oranges, but it's also an effective immune booster with high levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Adding Camu Powder to your daily smoothies will provide an optimal shield for your body's health - learn how here.


Meditate more

There is no such thing as too much meditation, and the science-backed ways this simple practice can change and heal the body are truly awe-inspiring. Here’s a guided meditation for health and healing to get you started if you’re new to the practice.


Are you feeling inspired to tweak your way to superior health? A few little changes here and there will have you radiating health and thriving long-term, but with the help of this guide, you can expect to start feeling better almost immediately. Why not start by checking out our Superfoods for super health?




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